Research and Innovation Office

SPA Proposal Deadline Calculator

Effective January 4, 2016, all proposals for extramural support must be submitted to SPA for review and endorsement, along with a fully-signed Proposal Routing Form, by 9:00 a.m. three (3) business days before the proposal must be submitted to the sponsor. For example, a proposal that must be submitted to a sponsor on Friday must be delivered to SPA by 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday.

Enter the sponsor's official published submission deadline and press the Calculate button to calculate the date your proposal will be due at SPA. The deadline calculator will take into account weekend days and official University holidays. Remember that "submission" for proposals that are overnight mailed is the date the proposal must be mailed by SPA, not the date the sponsor must receive the submission. Contact SPA at 612-624-5599 if you have additional questions.

Sponsor's Deadline  

For questions, please contact ORIS.